All products received must be checked over to ensure that the items ordered on the PURCHASE ORDER are present and correct. This ensures, not only that we only pay for what we have received, but we get everything that we required.
This task outlines how to check and book in Screens
Deliveries into the main TOT building present themselves at Unit 35.
Upon receipt of a delivery of new screens, Goods In staff will check the quantity of screens against the courier’s delivery note and sign it off
Using the related delivery paperwork, they will interrogate Strokeone to find the related purchase order, and electronically record acceptance of the delivery.
The screens and any related delivery paperwork are then delivered to the designated area in the screen room and Goods in staff send an email to advise the internal contact the stock has been received.
When the Screen room are aware of the receipt of a delivery of screens, they must check the contents to ensure it ties up with the delivery note.
To reconcile the actual quantity of screens delivered against each order line item, separate them out into the various frame types/mesh counts and count them.
Background Knowledge:
Booking in screen lines debits the expected and credits
the available balances in Screens Control List
If lines are only part received and booked in, the status light will update
to amber, signifying shortages - this allows more items to be booked in
against this line when receiving back orders
The book in button disables/greys out when the full quantity has been received.
# | Details |
1 | The status light for the whole order |
2 | Staff member who checked and booked in this P/O |
3 | The confidence level of the check (from the dropdown value list) |
4 | The date checked field auto entered when 2. is populated |
5 | The email the supplier button Note: this is to be used when there are shortages on an order, it will automatically create an email with the supplier contact (if entered when placing the P/O) and outlined the received quantity of items vs ordered quantity. ![]() |
6 |
The email acknowledgement status light. This will update to ‘green” when an email is actioned. |
Since screens move around the Screen Room it is not necessary to record a formal location.
Instead, sort them by Frame Type / Mesh Count and place them in a visible areas with other screens available for reclaim/degreasing.