Sending Frames for Re-stretch


When enough split frames have been accumulated in the splits pool to warrant re-stretching they must be sent/collected by the supplier that undertakes this work.

BLANK FRAMES can be sent/collected before a decision is made on what mesh counts are required for restretch. This can be done when the corresponding P/O is raised. The important thing is to account for the blank frames that have been sent.


Recording Collection of Frames

Note: Before you raise the order - you need to ensure that the split frames have been recorded as collected. This is outlined in detail in Tracking Collected Frames


Ordering Re-stretch Procedure

  1. Open Screens Control List

  2. Select the Frame and Mesh Count that you will be receiving back from the Screen Repairers.

  3. Choose New PO From Selected

  4. This will open the PO form layout with this selection automatically input.

      1. Enter the Supplier and Contact (example pyramid/ dean smith)

      2. Enter Internal Contact

      3. In the PO Lines section, ensure you select Re-stretch in the Type field

      4. Enter the Quantity Ordered (example 10) and Unit Cost for the re-stretch product (example £ 15)

  5. Once the order is sent to the supplier - the PO order status updates from Red > Purple (Sent) - and the QTY ordered is added to the Expected Total

  6. When the re-stretched frames are delivered and booked in  

    The following accounting changes occur with respect to the Screens Control List