Ordering Blank Screen Frames



If your company employs an in-house re-stretching facility, there will be a requirement to order blank frames.

This topic covers this process.


Ordering Blank Frames

  1. Open the Screens_Control List

  2. Frame types are summarised at the bottom of the layout

  3. Select the frames to order via the Select button at the end of each line. (it will toggle to read Deselect)

  4. Click New PO From Selection  - this will create a new purchase order for the select products

  5. Populate the record as follows:-

      1. Enter the Supplier and Contact (example pyramid/ dean smith)

      2. Enter Internal Contact
        (Note: ensure the contact has a related email address in their contact record as this is where the acknowledgement of receipt of goods by GOODS IN will be sent. Also set the department to stencil as this will ensure stencil related POs display in their department customised list, e.g. Peter Joyce in the stencil department)

      3. Internal Department: Stencil

      4. PO Type: Screen Frame

      5. Ordered Qty: the quantity you are ordering

      6. Unit Cost: the supplier's cost for 1 of the SKU

  6. Once populated, click Email Order To supplier

  7. This creates a PDF for the order, opens your email application, creates a new message and inserts the PDF into this message. You can then send this to the supplier

  8. The PO status updates to purple (sent) meaning it cannot be amended.

  9. The ordered frames credit the expected balances per SKU

  10. The next part of the process will be dealt with by the goods in department, who will notify the specified internal contact when the frames arrive.

  11. You need to check them and book in the received quantity - this is very similar to the process for new screens and is outlined in Check the Received screens with a few key differences. When blank frames are booked in the following accounting happens

      1. The qty booked in debits the expected balance and credits the available balance in the split pool

      2. The blank frames will require mesh  - i.e. re-stretching


In reality, most suppliers that stretch new frames will typically supply also supply frames - so you would most likely buy new stretched frames (i.e. with mesh) as a complete unit - this is outlined in Ordering New Screens