Dealing With Incoming Pink POs

Important: By definition Pink Status Purchase orders will not have any joblines

  1. Ensure you have a temporary empty location barcode (you will need this later)
    See Checking a location is empty for more details of how to check the temporary location is empty

  2. Separate the physical stock and organise by SKU

  3. Count the SKUs by the appropriate confidence level - bear in mind the following :-

    1. Effort required to count the SKUs is directly related to how well the physical stock has been packaged and labelled

    2. Be mindful of the value of the stock - Clients are less likely to want significant effort put on counting badly organised low value stock

    3. Use weighing machine if appropriate - see Using Weighing Machine  for instructions

If in any doubt - refer to a senior colleague for guidance

  1. Note the quantities of each SKU  on the paperwork along with any additional relevant information (for example if the packaging / labelling was a mess)

  2. In PO Joblines, add each SKU you have counted to Strokeone via the item picker. (see Using the item picker for guidance.)

    1. If the SKU already exists in Strokeone - select that one for use (use any images on the existing SKU to double check that identical to what you are processing)

    2. if it doesn't exist - then create a new SKU  - But, ensure you have exhausted all search possibilities [Category, Type, Colour etc] before you create a new SKU  - Avoid creating duplicates !!
      See Creating a SKU on the Fly for more details

  3. Ensure that each of the SKU's on your PO has a family image. If not - take a picture and upload against the SKU family.
    See Adding a SKU Family Image for more details

  4. In the QTY Ordered field for each SKU enter the quantity you counted as received.

  5. Book In All for the SKUs into the temporary location chosen in stage 1

Boxing Up, Capture Charges, Client Confirm and Physically Locate

  1. Box up the received stock in an appropriate manner (category by category basis). If in doubt as to what is an appropriate manner- refer to senior colleagues for guidance
  2. Remove / Cover with tape any old / redundant labels on the boxes you use.
  3. Generate and Attach SKU Box end labels for the stock (they will have barcodes per SKU) - see How to Generate Box End Labels for detailed guidance
    1. When printing ensure you use printer Brother (Mobile); and Landscape Orientation
    2. Attach the Box End Labels in a consistent outward facing position - so they can be seen clearly when the box is viewed from the warehouse aisles
  4. Take a Post-Check Picture of the marked up paperwork in the PO Delivery Tab against the Delivery Record and file.
  5. Set Checked By and Checked  Category according to the confidence counting checking you did in Stage 2
    see How to set checked category
  6. In Handling Charges - add a Handling Charge Record with costs for at a minimum 30 mins as you had to add SKU's Ensure you accurately capture the duration of time you spent processing the PO
    1.  As well as annotating the hard copy paperwork with any processing related notes - you can add in the PO notes field details of the activities you did to process the PO to support the Handling Charges
  7. Set the Charges as Ready to Invoice
  8. Ensure that the owner company and contact is set on the PO - if in doubt ask a senior colleague.
  9. Send Confirmation email to the Owner - ensure this has email address and contains the charges you entered
  10.  Relocate the delivery from your temporary location to a fixed storage location . When selecting a fixed storage location, bear in mind the content you are relocating
    1. If the content you are locating is for current tours / events  - then it should be located is easy access bays.
    2. If it is for past tours / events it is less likely to be actively wanted - so it can be plastic wrapped and located in upper level bays.

Important: if you are storing items in upper level bays  - ensure you print out Hi Bay Category Labels and affix to the aisle facing side of the containers so that the category can be easily read from the ground level

    1. Ensure that when locating stock on pallets and in boxes that you consolidate by Artist - see your senior colleagues if you do not understand this principle


Best Practice

When storing boxes in 1st level racking on pallets, expose the maximum number of box ends and their visible labels.


Similarly, if for space optimisation reasons boxes are stocked landscape (lengthways) then the labels should be positioned on the outward/aisle facing side of the box


Bottom line - labels should be on the aisle facing side of the box. This aids the picking process as staff can quickly see what the box contains.




Stock Checking

Stock checking should be incorporated into the relocating stock process

So, when relocating new incoming stock


  1. If you are putting it into an empty location set the location as stock checked
  2. if you are placing the items into a part occupied location, check the items exist physically  and that the box end labels reconcile to the physical and  with the quantities stated in the electronic records.  If they do, set the location as stock checked. if thery do not - perform ad hoc stock check